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1965 Battle of Britain 4d (phos). NARROW PHOS BANDS RIGHT. SG Spec WP69b & 72b

Unmounted mint marginal block of six with NARROW PHOSPHOR BAND at right. As illustrrated.



1965 Battle of Britain 4d (phos). NARROW PHOS BANDS LEFT. SG Spec WP67b & 70b

Unmounted mint marginal block of six with NARROW PHOSPHOR BAND at left. As illustrrated.



1965 Battle of Britain 4d (phos). NARROW PHOS BANDS LEFT. SG Spec WP67b & 70b

Unmounted mint marginal block of six with NARROW PHOSPHOR BAND at left. As illustrrated.



1965 Battle of Britain 4d (phos). NARROW PHOS BANDS LEFT. SG Spec WP67b & 70b

Unmounted mint marginal block of six with NARROW PHOSPHOR BAND at left. As illustrrated.



1962 NPY 2½d (ord). Cylinder 1D 1B no dot block of six. Shade 3 Blackish Olive.

Fine unmounted mint Cylinder 1D 1B no dot block of six. As illustrated



1969 Concorde 4d. Upper left Cyl. 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E block of six

Unmounted mint.  Upper left Cyl. 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E block of six with angled upper margin.



1964 FRB 6d (ord). Cylinder 1C 2B 2A dot. Perf Type A(T) E/P. State 1. Block of nine

 Unmounted mint cylinder block of nine Cyl. 1C 1B 4A dot. Scarcer Perf Type A(T) E/P. State 1 (listed minor constant variety "Queen's face mass of white do...



1964 FRB 3d (ord). Cylinder 1C 1B 2A no dot. Block of six.

 Unmounted mint cylinder block of six. Cyl. 1C 1B 2A no dot. Both margins angled



2003 British Museum 2nd class. SHORT PHOSPHOR BAND Cylinder block.

Unmounted mint cylinder block of six. Both stamps in bottom row with phosphor band 4mm sort at bottom of stamp.



1968 Bridges 4d. PRINTED ON GUMMED SIDE. SG 7673a

Unmounted mint single PRINTED ON GUMMED SIDE.



1969 Investiture 1/-. Error BROAD BAND RIGHT. SG Spec. W169b

A fine unmounted mint single with BROAD PHOSPHOR BAND RIGHT (very slightly diagonal but not the listed diagonal band variety SG Spec. W169c)



1965 Battle of Britain 9d (ord) UM Cylinder block of four. WATERMARK INVERTED. SG 677Wi.

1965 Battle of Britain 9d (ord) Fine unmounted mint cylinder block of four WATERMARK INVERTED. SG 677Wi. Very scarce blck. "Woodstock" suggests no more 4 known



1966 Battle of Hastings 1/3 (phos) UM cylinder block. WATERMARK SIDEWAYS INVERTED SG 712pWi.

1966 Battle of Hastings 1/3 (phos) Fine unmounted mint cylinder block. WATERMARK  SIDEWAYS INVERTED  (crowns point to right when viewed from back).  SG 712pWi. As illu...



1953 Coronation. SG 532-535

Fine used set of 4 values as illustrated.



1975 Railways 12p. Cyl. 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1 p61 Dot block of six.

Unnmounted mint.   Cyl. 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1 p61 Dot block of six.



1975 Sailing. 10p paler orange 2nd printing. SG Spec. W312e

UM single. Paler duller orange 2nd printing.
