Listings from 'ianlasoksmith' in Errors & Varieties (see also
1982 Christmas 12½p. PHOSPHOR BLADE FLAW variety. SG 1202 var.
Fine unmounted mint horizontal pair with two additional phosphor bands just left of centre on left hand stamp due to phosphor blade flaw.
1970 Philympia 5d. SHIFT OF GREY BLACK to right. SG 835 var
Fine unmounted mint single with shift of grey black to right. Shift results in "three margin 1d Black". As illustrated and supplied with normal at right.
1979 European Elections 13p. Listed variety "broken r in European". SG Spec.W414b
Unmounted mint positional block of twelve with "broken r in European" R 8/7
1975 Christmas 6½p. Phoshor blade flaw. EXTRA BROAD PHOSPHOR BAND AT RIGHT. SG 993 var.
Unmounted mint marginl single with normal left band plus additional BROAD PHOSPHOR BAND AT RIGHT, the result of a phosphor blade flaw. Extra band 8mm wide
1969 Investiture 9d. Printing flaw due to foreign material. SG 805 var
Unmounted mint block of four with flaw across Queen's head (lower left stamp) Likely due to foreign material on printing plate.
1964 Forth Road Bridge 6d (ord). WATERMARK INVERTED. SG 660Wi.
Unmounted mint single with WATERMARK INVERTED.
1971 Literary Anniversaries. MISSING PHOSPHOR. Set of 3 values SG 884-886y
Unmounted mint set of 3 values. MISSING PHOSPHOR.
1972 Christmas. MISSING PHOSPHOR. Set of 3 values SG 913-915y
Unmounted mint set of 3 values. MISSING PHOSPHOR.
1971 "Ulster" Paintings. MISSING PHOSPHOR. Set 3 values SG 881-883y
Unmounted mint set of 3 values. MISSING PHOSPHOR.
1967 Discovery & Invention 4d. "Scale break" variety positional block. SG 752a, plus used example
A fine positional block of six with Concise listed variety "scale break" R 10/2. All stamps unmounted mint, mounted in margin. In addition an example of variety...
1964 Forth Road Bridge 3d (ord). "loss of detail on diadem". SG 659 var
Unmounted mint positional strip of 4 (as illustrated). Listed minor constant variety "loss of detail rear of diadem" R 4/4.
1978 Christmas 13p. "damaged top to 1". SG Spec. W402a
Unmounted mint unfoldd gutter pair with "damaged top to 1" onn lower stamp.
1969 Christmas 1/6. MISSING EMBOSSING. Traffic light block. SG 814f
A fine unmounted mint traffic light block of eight MISSING EMBOSSING. Embossing dot missing from traffic light.
1964 FRB 6d (ord). Corner block of four. WATERMARK INVERTED. SG 660Wi.
Fine unmounted mint corner block of four
1964 FRB 6d (ord). Traffic light block of 18. WATERMARK INVERTED. SG 660Wi.
Fine unmounted mint block of 18.
1968 Paintings 1/9. HORIZONTAL PERFORATION SHIFT pair.
Unmounted mint horizontal pair with minor shift of horizontal perforatiions.
1976 Christmas 11p. UNCOATED PAPER. Cylinder block.SG 1020a
UM cylinder block of six UNCOATED PAPER error.
1968 Paintings 4d. "blister on hand" listed variety. SG Spec. W138f
Fine unmounted mint positional block with "blister on hand" listed variety R 2/8
1972 General Anniversaries 7½p. MISSING PHOSPHOR. SG 902y
1973 Explorers. Set of 5 values MISSING "ALL OVER PHOSPHOR"
Fine unmounted mint set of 5 values (3p as se-tenant pair). All values MISSING ALL OVER PHOSPHOR.