Listings from 'ianlasoksmith' in Commemorative Issues > 1965 > 1965 Arts Festival (phos)

3 listings found. Showing results 1 to 3
1965 Arts 6d (phos). BANDS PRINTED ON GUMMED SIDE. Cyl. block

Unmounted mint cylinder block of nine (a small adherence on back of top left stamp) PHOSPHOR BANDS ON GUMMED SIDE as well as front. BANDS ON GUMMED SIDE  REACT TO UV LIG...



1965 Arts 6d (phos). BANDS PRINTED ON GUMMED SIDE.

Unmounted mint single with  PHOSPHOR BANDS ON GUMMED SIDE as well as front. BANDS ON GUMMED SIDE  REACT TO UV LIGHT



1965 Arts (phos). SG 669p-670p

UM set of 2 values
