16 listings found. Showing results 1 to 16
1973 Christmas 3½p (PVAD gum). SHIFT OF RED BROWN to right. SG 948 var

Fine unmounted mint single with attractive shift to right of red brown colour. Shift results in effect on multiple elements across design (tunic of figure at left and sti...



1972 BBC 3p. SHIFT OF YELLOW & SLATE. SG 909 var.

 Unmounted mint single with downward shift of yellow (terminals) and slate (Queen's head). As illustrated with normal at right. Stoneham Cat. C321b



1981 Butterflies 18p. Shift of gold. SG 1152 var.

UM single with the largest of the gold shifts ( 5mm to right) on this value. Queen's head now touches butterfly's wing Illustrated and supplied with nor...



1973 Christmas 3p (PVAD). SHIFT OF BLACK. SG 943a var

UM se-tenant strip of 5, folded between columns 3/4 with SHIFT OF BLACK TO LEFT. Illustrated and supplied with normal strip below.



1970 Cottages 9d. SHIFT OF GREY. SG 816 var.

UM single with shift of grey to left. Illustrated and supplied with normal at right.



1985 Films 34p. Silver shift error. SG 1302 var.

A fine unmounted mint single with downward shift of silver. Queen's head now appears beneath value. Illustrated and supplied with normal at right.



1984 Christmas 22p. BROWNISH GREY SHIFT. SG 1269 var.

Unmounted mint single with 6mm downward shift of brownish grey. Results in Queen's head and value appearing at centre right rather than top right corner of desig...



1994 Channel Tunnel 41p. MULTIPLE COLOUR SHIFTS plus PERF SHIFT. SG 1822/23 var.

Unmounted mint positional right marginal se-tenant pair with multiple colours (bright orange, scarlet, new blue and emerald) shifted left to varying degree with bright or...



1979 Christmas 8p. MULTIPLE COLOUR SHIFTS Traffic light block. SG 1104 var.

Unmounted mint traffic light block of four with multiple colour shifts. Very light gum crease. Attractive displacemrnt of traffic light dots.



1997 Aircrafty Designers 63p. Silver shift gutter block. SG 1988 var.

Unmounted mint unfolded gutter block of four with minor shift of silver affecting value. 



1966 Technology 1/3. SHIFT OF RED & BLACK. Vertical pair SG 703 var.

A fine unmounted mint vertical pair with small upward shift of orange-red colour and larger downward shift of black. Illustrated with normal at right.



1966 Technology 1/3. SHIFT OF RED & BLACK. SG 703 var.

A fine unmounted mint single with small upward shift of orange-red colour and larger downward shift of black. Illustrated with normal at right.



1963 Lifeboats 4d (ord). Shift of blue downwards. SG 640 var

Unmounted mint single with nice shift of blue downwards. Illustrated and supplied with normal at right.



1966 World Cup "Winners" 4d. SHIFT OF BLUE & FLESH colours Cylinder block

A fine unmounted mint cylinder blck of six with SHIFT OF BLUE DOWNWARDS  AND FLESH COLOUR TO LEFT. Shift affects all stamps. Although shifts are small they are emphasise...



1970 Philympia 5d. SHIFT OF GREY BLACK to right. SG 835 var

Fine unmounted mint single with shift of grey black to right. Shift results in "three margin 1d Black". As illustrated and supplied with normal at right.



1979 Flowers 11p. SHIFT OF SILVER. SG 1081 var

Fine unmounted mint single with shift of silver (Queen's head) to left. Illustrated and supplied with normal at right.
