Browse Listings in Commemorative Issues > 1978
1978 Coronation 10½p. Block of six. Fine Used SG 1060
1978 Coronation 10½p. Block of six. Fine Used as illustrated.
1978 Buildings 13p. Fine used block of four. SG 1057
1978 Buildings 13p. Fine used block of four. As illustrated.
1978 Energy 13p. Perforation variety. SG 1053 var
Unmounted mint horizontal strip of three with feint indentation between margin and first stamp with more prominent indentations around and between remaining stamps. To ...
1978 Energy 13p. Perforation variety. SG 1053 var
Unmounted mint marginal single with feint indentations all sides. To naked eye appears imperf all sides. Damage to upper right corner.
1978 Buildings 9p. Perforation variety. SG 1054 var
Lower margin vertical strip of three. Horizontal perforation indentations between all three stamps. Indentations between lower stamp and margin seen only under magnificat...
1978 Coronation 13p. Fine used block of four. SG 1062
Fine used block of four. As illustrated.
1978 Coronation 11p. Fine used block of four. SG 1061
Fine used block of four. As illustrated.
1978 Historic Buildings Miniature Sheet
Very Fine Used Miniature sheet as illustrated.
1978 Christmas. Traffic Light Gutter Pair Set of 4 values.
Unmounted mint unfolded. 1978 Christmas. Traffic Light Gutter Pair Set of 4 values.
1978 Corionation. Traffic Light Gutter Pair Set of 4 values.
Unmounted mint unfolded. 1978 Coronation. Traffic Light Gutter Pair Set of 4 values.
1978 Horses. Traffic Light Gutter Pair Set of 4 values.
Unmounted mint unfolded. 1978 Horses. Traffic Light Gutter Pair Set of 4 values.
1978 Energy. Traffic Light Gutter Pair Set of 4 values.
Unmounted mint unfolded. 1978 Energy. Traffic Light Gutter Pair Set of 4 values.
1978 Christmas 13p. "damaged top to 1". SG Spec. W402a
Unmounted mint unfoldd gutter pair with "damaged top to 1" onn lower stamp.