Browse Listings in Commemorative Issues > 1968
1968 Paintings 4d. "blister on hand" listed variety. SG Spec. W138f
Fine unmounted mint positional block with "blister on hand" listed variety R 2/8. As illustrated.
1968 Anniversaries 4d. Listed variety "retouch C on forehead" SG W134b
Unmounted mint positional corner block of eight with "retouch C on forehead" R3/2
1968 Bridges 4d. Listed variety "weakness below and behind hi of prehistoric" SG 763 var.
Unmounted mint positional block of six with listed minor constant variety, "weakness below and behind hi of prehistoric" middle stamp at left. This variety appe...
1968 Bridges 4d. Listed variety "Broken tip to T in Tarr" SG 763 var.
Unmounted mint marginal block of four with listed minor constant variety, "broken tip to horizontal bar of T" upper right hand stamp. This variety appears ar R ...
1968 Bridges 4d. Listed variety "scratch across stones far end bridge" SG 763 var.
Unmounted mint marginal block of four with listed minor constant variety, "scratch across lower stones near far end of bridge" upper right hand stamp. This vari...
1968 General Anniv 9d. Listed Minor Constant Variety "spur at top right Queen's head". SG 768 var.
Unmounted mint positional strip of four with listed minor constant Variety "spur at top right Queen's head". R 9/4
1968 General Anniv 1/-. Listed Minor Constant Variety "dot over O of ROYAL". SG 769 var.
Unmounted mint positional strip of four with listed Minor Constant Variety "dot over O of ROYAL" R 3/1
1968 Paintings 4d. Listed constant variety "blister on hand". SG Spec. 771f
Fine unmounted mint unfolded positional block of 15. Variety appearing white patch on back of hand R 2/8.
1968 Anniversaries 1/9 Cyl. 2A 1B 1C no dot block of eight.
Unmounted mint. 1968 Anniversaries 1/9 Cyl. 2A 1B 1C no dot block of eight. Lower margin square.
1968 General Anniversaries 4d. Cyl. 1A 1B 1C 1D dot block of eight.
Unmounted mint. 1968 General Anniversaries 4d. Cyl. 1A 1B 1C 1D dot block of eight. Lower margin cut square.
1968 Paintings 1/9. Cyl. 2A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 1G 1H no dot block of six.
Unmounted mint 1968 Paintings 1/9. Cyl. 2A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 1G 1H no dot block of six. Left margin cut square.
1968 Paintings 1/6. Cyl. 1A ?B 1C 1D 1E 1F 1G 1H dot block of six.
Unmounted mint 1968 Paintings 1/6. Cyl. 1A ?B 1C 1D 1E 1F 1G 1H dot block of six. Both margins cut square as illustrated.
1968 Anniversaries 1/- Cyl. 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E no dot block of eight.
Unmounted mint. 1968 Anniversaries 1/- Cyl. 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E no dot block of eight. Lower margin square.
1968 Bridges 1/9 Cyl. 2A 1B 1C no dot block of eight.
Unmounted mint. 1968 Bridges 1/9 Cyl. 2A 1B 1C no dot block of eight. Lower margin square.
1968 Christmas German Presentation Pack.
Fine completely flat pack with intact cellophane wrapper. Quantity Sold 7298. 1964 Forth Road Bridge quantity sold 11450
1968 Paintings German Presentation Pack.
Fine completely flat pack with intact cellophane wrapper. Quantity Sold 7880. 1964 Forth Road Bridge quantity sold 11450
SG 770y. 1968 Anniversaries 1/9. Missing Phosphor.
1968 Bridges 4d. PRINTED ON GUMMED SIDE. Block of four
Unmounted mint positional block of four. PRINTED ON GUMMED SIDE. Contains listed minor constant varieties on:R 11/1 lack of screening dots in pale green patch left of T...
1968 Paintings 4d. MISSING EMBOSSING. SG 771c
Fine unmounted mint positional single MISSING EMBOSSING.
1968 Bridges 4d. PRINTED ON GUMMED SIDE. SG 7673a
Unmounted mint single PRINTED ON GUMMED SIDE.