Browse Listings in Commemorative Issues > 1965

50 listings found. Showing results 1 to 20
1965 Battle of Britain 4d (phos). Traffic light block of 12. SG 671pa

Fine unmounted mint unfolded lower right corner traffic light block of twelve. As illustrated.



1965 Salvation Army 3d (ord). "retouch V" variety. Cyl. block. SG Spec.W61b.

Fine unmounted mint cylinder block of nine as illustrated with "retouch V" variety R19/3



1965 Parliament 3d (ord). Listed variety "cut in m of Parliament" SG 663 var,

Unmounted mint horizontal strip of three with listed minor constant variety, "cut in m of Parliament", right hand stamp. This variety appears ar R 17/3 in sheet...



1965 Lister 1/- (phos). Listed varieties "retouch to shoulder" and "broken frame line" SG 668p var

Unmounted mint horizontal marginal pair. Stamp at left demonstrating a more prominent listed minor constant variety "retouch appearing as a dark diagonal line along...



1965 Lister 1/- (phos). Listed variety "retouch to shoulder" SG 668p var

Unmounted mint vertical marginal pair. Lower stamp demonstrating a more prominent listed minor constant variety" retouch appearing as a dark diagonal line along List...



1965 Churchill 1/3 (phos) TWO BROAD PHOSPHOR BANDS. SG Spec. WP58

Unmounted mint single with two broad phoshor bands at centre and right. No encroachment at left. UV checked.



1965 Lister 4d (phos). TWO BAND ERROR. SG Spec. WP66a & b.

A fine unmounted mint marginal pair. Left stamp with narrow band and broad band, right stamp with two broad bands.



1965 Battle of Britain 9d (phos). TWO DIAGONAL BROAD BANDS ERROR.

A fine unmounted mint marginal block of four with very attractive phosphor band error. Each stamp with two broad diagonal bands plus diagonal band in left margin. Positio...



1965 Battle of Britain 9d (ord). WATERMARK INVERTED. SG 677Wi.

Unmounted mint single. WATERMARK INVERTED.



1965 Lister 4d (ord). BLADE FLAW marginal block. SG 667 var

Unmounted mint marginal block of six with vertical blade flaws affecting 2nd and 3rd columns.



1965 Lister 4d (phos). TWO BAND ERROR. SG Spec. WP63c

A fine unmounted mint single with TWO BROAD PHOSPHOR BANDS instead of 3 bands. Illustrated and supplied with normal at right.



1965 Parliament 2/6. Watermark Inverted. Very Fine Used SG 664Wi.

1965 Parliament 2/6. Watermark Inverted. Very Fine Used SG 664Wi. As illustrated.



1965 Battle of Britain 4d (ord). Listed variety "Stuka retouch" SG Spec. W71b

Unmounted mint positional se-tenant block of six. Contains listed constant variety "Stuka retouch"  R 2/2 SG Spec. W71b



1965 Churchill 4d (ord) Rembrandt printing. Listed variety "vertical scratch" SG Spec. W56b

Unmounted mint positional pair. Contains listed constant variety  "vertical scratch"  R 20/3 SG Spec. W56b 



1965 Battle of Britain 1/3 (ord). Listed variety "short line under value" SG 678 var

Fine unmounted mint positional block of four. Contains listed variety "line under value shorter at right" A listed minor constant variety appearing on stamp  R...



1965 Arts (ord). SG 669-670

UM set of 2 values



1965 U.N.O. (ord). SG 681-682

UM set of 2 values.



1965 I.T.U. (ord). SG 683-684

UM set of 2 values.



1965 Churchill 1/3 (phos) TWO BROAD PHOSPHOR BANDS. SG Spec. WP58

Unmounted mint single with two broad phoshor bands at centre and right. No encroachment at left. UV checked.



1965 Churchill 1/3 (phos) PHOSPHOR BANDS ON GUMMED SIDE.

Unmounted mint single with phosphor bands on gummed side. Bands on reverse with good strong reaction to UV light when viewed in appropriate conditions of darkness.
