Browse Listings
"London Underground Centenary" slogan cancel.
Complete clean envelope with "London Underground Centenary" slogan cancel
1969 Investiture Airletter. SPECIMEN overprint
Unused folded Airletter with SPECIMEN overprint in black
1964 Shakespeare "Scenes" Airletter. CANCELLED overprint
Unused folded Airletter with small tear. CANCELLED overprint in black
1969 Christmas Airletter. SPECIMEN overprint
Unused folded 1969 Christma Airletter SPECIMEN overprint in black on stamp and handstamped SPECIMEN in violet on front.
1975 Scotland "City of Glasgow" Airletter. SPECIMEN overprint
Unused folded 1975 City of Glasgow Airletter SPECIMEN overprint in black
1976 Scotland Traditions Airletter SPECIMEN overprint.
Unused folded 1976 Scotland Traditions Airletter with black SPECIMEN overprint.
1968 Christmas Airletter SPECIMEN overprint.
Unused folded 1968 Christmas Airletter with black SPECIMEN overprint.
1975 Christmas 6½p PVA gum. Gutter pair. SG Spec W327
Unmounted mint unfolded gutter pair with PVA gum
1977 Heads of Government 11p. Traffic light gutter pair . SG 1038
Unmounted mint unfolded trafic light gutter pair.
1977 Christmas. Traffic light gutter pair set. SG 1044-1049
Unmounted mint unfolded traffic light gutter pair set.
1976 Bicentenary 11p. Traffic light gutter block. SG 1005
Unmounted mint unfolded traffic light gutter block of four.
1973 Inigo Jones 3p with extra 9mm phos band. Block of four. SG 935c
On part of the printing of both values in this issue the "All Over Phosphor" stopped 1mm short of the edge of the stamps in Col.1. As a consequence an extra 9mm...
1973 Inigo Jones 3p with extra 9mm phos band. SG 935c
On part of the printing of both values in this issue the "All Over Phosphor" stopped 1mm short of the edge of the stamps in Col.1. As a consequence an extra 9mm...
1978 Christmas 13p. "damaged top to 1". SG Spec. W402a
Unmounted mint unfoldd gutter pair with "damaged top to 1" onn lower stamp.
1976 Printing 8½p very fine used pair. SG 1014
Very fine used pair as illustrated.
1976 Printing. Set of 4 values very fine used. SG 1014-1017
Very fine used set of 4 values as illustrated.
1d ultramarine. Tudor Crown. WATERMARK INVERTED. SG 516Wi.
1d ultramarine. Tudor Crown. WATERMARK INVERTED. SG 516Wi. Fine used single as illustrated.
2018 The Old Vic, 1st Class. Very fine used se-tenant pair. SG 4125/4126
Very fine used pair, as illustrated
1992 Civil War 39p. Very fine used pair. SG 1623
Very fine used pair, as illustrated
1984 Conductors 15p. Very fine used pair. SG 1132
Very fine used pair, as illustrated