Browse Listings

1015 listings found. Showing results 381 to 400
1966 World Cup 6d (ord). MISSING BLACK. SG 694a.

Fine unmounted mint single with error MISSING BLACK. Illustrated and supplied with normal at right.



1985 Films 34p. Silver shift error. SG 1302 var.

A fine unmounted mint single with downward shift of silver. Queen's head now appears beneath value. Illustrated and supplied with normal at right.



1984 Christmas 22p. BROWNISH GREY SHIFT. SG 1269 var.

Unmounted mint single with 6mm downward shift of brownish grey. Results in Queen's head and value appearing at centre right rather than top right corner of desig...



1994 Channel Tunnel 41p. MULTIPLE COLOUR SHIFTS plus PERF SHIFT. SG 1822/23 var.

Unmounted mint positional right marginal se-tenant pair with multiple colours (bright orange, scarlet, new blue and emerald) shifted left to varying degree with bright or...



1966 Birds (ord) MISSING BRIGHT BLUE. SG 696/697g.

An unmounted mint marginal se-tenant positional block of four with MISSING BRIGHT BLUE.  Illustrated and supplied with matching normal block below



1984 Mail Coach Bicentenary. PERFORATION SHIFT. SG 1258/1262 var.

Unmounted mint traffic light block iof 15 with SHIFT OF HORIZONTAL PERFORATIONS.



1972 General Anniversaries 3p. PERFORATING COMB ERROR. SG 901 var

An attractive traffic light block of twelve with misplacement of lower strike of perforating comb. Resulting in markedly oblique lower horizontal row of perforation. Supp...



1975 Sailing 8p. MISSING BLACK. SG 981a

Unmounted mint marginal single with MISSING BLACK (detail on waves and rigging). Illustrated and supplied with normal at right.



1979 Christmas 8p. MULTIPLE COLOUR SHIFTS Traffic light block. SG 1104 var.

Unmounted mint traffic light block of four with multiple colour shifts. Very light gum crease. Attractive displacemrnt of traffic light dots.



1997 Aircrafty Designers 63p. Silver shift gutter block. SG 1988 var.

Unmounted mint unfolded gutter block of four with minor shift of silver affecting value. 



1965 Arts (ord). SG 669-670

UM set of 2 values



1965 U.N.O. (ord). SG 681-682

UM set of 2 values.



1965 I.T.U. (ord). SG 683-684

UM set of 2 values.



SB50 2 x 1d/3d .2B 8mm violet.. WATERMARK SIDEWAYS to left. Perf AP

Unmounted mint full perf pane. SB50 2 x 1d/3d .2B 8mm violet.. WATERMARK SIDEWAYS to left. Perf AP. As illustrated.



SB104 3d lilac x 6. CB violet phosphor. Cylinder pane K18 dot Top row

Unmounted mint full perf pane. SB104 3d lilac x 6. CB violet phosphor. Cylinder pane K18 dot Top row. As illustrated.



SB41/42 1d ultramarine x 6. 2 Bands. WATERMARK UPRIGHT. Perf Ie

A superb full perf pane. Crowns watermark UPRIGHT. Blue phosphor 2 bands. Perf Ie. As illustrated.



1963 COMPAC 1/6 (ord). Cyl. 1A 1B no dot. Block of four

Unmounted mint. Lower margin square



1969 Cathedrals 4d. Attractive perforating variety.

Unnmounted mint se-tenant block of four with attractive perforation variety.



1969 2/6-£1. Set of 4 values.

Fine unmounted mint set of 4 values.

£3.25 £2.25


1972 Polar Explorers 3p. Missing Phosphor. Trafficc Light block. SG 897y.

UM upper right traffic light block of six MISSING PHOSPHOR. As illustrated.
