Wilding Booklet Panes (see also WildingStamps.co.uk)

Featured Listings from Wilding Booklet Panes (see also WildingStamps.co.uk)

SG SB12. ½d / 2½d pane of four. Crowns WATERMARK UPRIGHT

Fine unmounted mint SG SB12. ½d / 2½d pane of four. Crowns WATERMARK UPRIGHT Perf I.



SB103a 3d lilac x 6. Phosphor sidebands. WATERMARK INVERTED. Perf Is

A superb full perf pane. Crowns watermark INVERTED. Violet phosphor sidebands ( 2 x band at left, 4 x band at right) Perf Is. SG SB103a



SB104 3d lilac x 6. CB violet phosphor. Cylinder pane K18 dot Top row

Unmounted mint full perf pane. SB104 3d lilac x 6. CB violet phosphor. Cylinder pane K18 dot Top row. As illustrated.



SB41/42 1d ultramarine x 6. 2 Bands. WATERMARK UPRIGHT. Perf Ie

A superb full perf pane. Crowns watermark UPRIGHT. Blue phosphor 2 bands. Perf Ie. As illustrated.
